"My people will be delivered and become a blessing in the Earth"
"My people will be delivered and become a blessing in the Earth"
Premier Publications is a Christian teaching ministry, founded by Author and Teacher JAMES GLOVER, that seeks
to answer difficult and controversial questions directly from scripture.

Statement of Beliefs

We believe in the absolute validity and authority of the Holy Bible.  That the Bible is 100% complete, accurate and authoritative with no ambiguity or contradiction and is able to make the reader wise concerning all matters pertaining to human life.

That the Word of God has dominion over all flesh and all creation and reveals all the supernatural laws that govern our lives and our world.  That the Word is perfect and lacks nothing and where there is perceived error, that this originates from the reasoning of man.

The Bible teaches that the whole world has been deceived and lies under the sway of the wicked one who is clearly identified as the fallen arch-angel Lucifer who rebelled against God and became Satan.  He, and the angels (demons) who fell with him, are on the Earth today and are influencing many of the activities of man through man's fallen nature.

All men have broken some or all of God's laws during the course of his life and his very nature is hostile toward God and His ways.  This ignorance and dis-connection from his Creator has led man into great error and brought about the misery and distress that characterises so much of human experience.

Man needed a redeemer, someone who could rescue him from his error, his weakness and his pain.  To that end, God sent His only Son: Jesus Christ into this world.  Born of a young Jewish virgin, sired by the Holy Spirit, Jesus came into this world being both fully God (supernatural father) and fully man (physical mother).

He did what no man could do.  He lived the perfect life completely fulfilling every aspect of the laws of God without error and without sin.  He then willingly gave up His life, suffering injustice, torture and a gruesome death.

Three days later, He was resurrected and brought back to life and was seen by many witnesses.  He then ascended into Heaven and now sits at the right hand of God the Father making intercession on behalf of all those who turn to Him in faith.

The Church (the assembly of called-out ones) was founded by Jesus Christ through the 12 apostles and was confirmed through the Holy Spirit (the essence of God) and is alive and well in the life of every believer who has willingly accepted that Jesus Christ is his personal Saviour and has made Him Lord over their lives so that they willingly follow His ways which are clearly taught in the Gospels and Epistles of the Holy Bible.

The Church belongs to Jesus Christ and not to any man or organisation.  Every Christian must grow in grace and knowledge and is held personally accountable for every thought, word and deed.  Every Christian must play an active part in the Great Commission to proclaim the gospel (the good news of redemption through Jesus Christ) first by personal example in every area of his/her life.  Second by actively supporting existing ministries through prayer, financial and/or voluntary support.  Third by helping the weakest and most vulnerable people in their society and actively blessing them.  The Christian can only accomplish all the above by seeking the help of the Holy Spirit to lead and empower them and be properly instructed through the Bible.

Christians are identified by their love for one another.  Holding each other in the highest regard and seeking to honour one another whenever we have the opportunity, praying for one another, encouraging one another and exhorting one another to stay true to our Saviour in everything.  Christ has made us inter-dependent and therefore we need one another.  While we remain in this world as spouses, parents, employees, children and citizens, we should be a sterling example to this world, intervening and helping those who are suffering whenever we can.

Even now, the Church only represents a fraction of the number of people alive on the Earth today but the Bible clearly teaches that God's great plan of salvation is ultimately for everyone.  The scriptures declare there are three resurrections of the dead:

The first resurrection concerns those who have received the Holy Spirit in THIS life and will receive new spirit bodies.  Commonly referred to as the Rapture and includes those who will be martyred for their faith.

The second resurrection concerns everybody else who did NOT receive the Holy Spirit in this life, they will receive new physical bodies.  Commonly referred to as "The Last Great Day", they will live for 100 years and will be judged (taught, disciplined and evaluated) by the Bible and will be governed by the King of Kings and His Saints.

The third and final resurrection concerns all those who received the Holy Spirit, were forgiven their sins and yet rejected this great and precious gift and went back to their former lives bringing shame and condemnation on the Holy Spirit and did not repent.  These are reprobate souls whose fate is sealed and they will perish in the fire set aside for Satan and his demons.

The fire will cleanse the Earth and Jesus Christ will present everything to the Father and eternal life will truly begin for everyone.

Our 3 main publications and other materials are all based on these beliefs and are consistent with all teachings, prophecies and laws contained within the Bible.  We urge you to study these things for yourselves and use our resources to help you better understand these extraordinary truths.
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