"My people will be delivered and become a blessing in the Earth"
"My people will be delivered and become a blessing in the Earth"
Premier Publications is a Christian teaching ministry, founded by Author and Teacher JAMES GLOVER, that seeks
to answer difficult and controversial questions directly from scripture.

©ʼ Premier Publications
Frequently Asked Questions

What do you mean when you say the church is under judgement and that the church will be judged before the judgement on the world begins?

The Bible tells us that judgement begins at the household of God.  The Book of Revelation, chapters 2 & 3, describes the issues that God has with His church.  All 4 gospels contain many instructions for the church that some are tending to ignore and where Jesus warns that at least half of the church will be left behind at the time of the rapture.  Please read our book Miraculous Healing For The Church for more information and to enable you to do your own studies.  Also, our final chapter: Why the Angels are weeping, in our book Exposing The Curse.

Why are you attacking the church doctrines as they relate to Abortion, Homosexuality and End-of-Life issues in your book Exposing The Curse, are you anti-Catholic?

Absolutely not.  This world enjoys categorising people according to race, orientation, belief and profession or, in this case, denomination.  The Bible doesn't do that.  The Bible makes a distinction between the righteous (those who think, say and do according to Biblical instruction) and the unrighteous (those who think, say and do according to their own wisdom). There are many Catholics, Protestants and members of all other denominations who are seeking to live their lives in a way that pleases God.  Who take care of their families, who keep their word, who are generous and kind to others and exemplify lives of purity, faihfulness and love.

We do not, and never will, discriminate between one denomination or another.  Those who do are falling into error and bringing judgement on themselves.  However, where we find teaching that is creating contradiction with the Bible, we will point that out and encourage believers to accept the authority of the Bible on that subject.

As Christians we do have to learn to discern the difference between tradition and the revelation of God's Word.  Just because something has been taught and handed down from generation to generation does not make it right.  All our teachings must be examined and scrutinised in the light of real-life experience, legitimate scientific discovery and forensic examination of the scriptures.

What do you mean when you say the Bible interprets itself?

The entire Christian faith depends on the accuracy and 100% truthfulness of the Bible.  Just one proven contradiction, one proven error and our reliance on this book being the Word of God will crumble like a house of cards. The Bible gives specific instructions on how it is to be read and interpreted and if these instructions are followed, the reader and teacher are on very safe ground. Disputes tend to arise when man tries to force his own interpretations on what he thinks the Bible means concerning any number of different subjects.  This inevitably creates apparent contradictions from one scripture to another.  The Bible says that It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter.  I don't know too many Kings who want to spend their time trying to understand the Bible but God isn't talking about them.  He's referring to the Kings and Priests of the Church.  We have a responsibility to get it right and those of us entrusted with teaching others are held to a stricter judgement than those who don't.  More on this in our book Exposing The Curse.

You keep saying that the traditional Christian teaching on hell is a discredited doctrine.  Why should your opinion on this issue be more credible than the thousands of other scholars who have come before you?

Well here's a simple answer: The current teaching on the hell doctrine creates massive and glaring contradictions with huge swathes of the Bible.  It discredits the character of God, it makes a mockery of many prophetic statements regarding the future, it completely undermines the validity of what Jesus Christ did and it elevates the power and influence of Satan to having equality with God.  Make no mistake, this is a demonic doctrine that has no place in the Christian church and is indefensible in scripture. So how come so many Christians believe it and teach it?  Because they never thought to question it.  Everyone else seemed to believe it, so why rock the boat.  It's been taught that way for hundreds of years so it must be right. Our book Global Grace goes into considerable detail on this question and we plan a DVD series on this in the very near future.

Everybody knows miraculous healing is a con.  Why do you insist on teaching that its real when documented proof is so hard to come by?

Great question.  Many Christians are tempted to ask God to reveal Himself through miracles and signs and wonders and why not?  After all, God clearly tells us that signs and wonders will follow those who believe and that miraculous healing should be a fairly common occurrence amongst the believers.  Yet few are documented and those that are can often be dismissed with alternative explanations.

The fact is there are many believers who haven't personally witnessed healing in their own lives or in the lives of others so they are doubtful or sceptical when someone insists that it's real and available to us now in this lifetime.  But it's rarely a public event.  You see, God likes to reveal Himself on a personal level to us as individuals.  He desires intimacy with His children and tends to work with us one on one.

So you're unlikely to see a flash of light or a huge dynamic gesture.  For most of us, a miraculous healing will just be a case of waking up one morning and just feeling a bit better.
Jesus said that an evil generation seeks after a sign.  They say they want a big display.  Well Jesus did many public signs and wonders and they still crucified Him.  So if you have a generation that won't even acknowledge His existence on the basis of His creation, what makes you think they would be moved to repentance by seeing a limb grow back.  Could He do that?  Of course He could.  Would He?  Of course He would but in His own way and inHis own time and according to the principles laid out in our book: Miraculous Healing For The Church...

What makes you so sure that Jesus is coming back in our life-time?  They've been saying that for 2,000 years...

Yes but we have more incidents of fulfilled prophecy today than at any other time in human history.  There are many Christian teachers who are gifted in teaching on this subject and their work is available throughout the internet.  I would only add that Jesus specifically stated that the gospel must be preached throughout the world as a witness before the end comes. Put simply, that's teaching about Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God from the pages of the Bible.  The Bible is made up of two testimonies.  The first is the law and the prophets, the second is Christ and His church.  Two witnesses, one Bible.  Read what the Book of Revelation has to say about the two witnesses.  Oh boy, has there ever been a boat-load of misunderstanding about that.

Suffice to say, the Great Commission will be deemed to have been fulfilled when the Bible has been made universally available to everyone.  That is very near to completion...

Which denomination do your teachings come from?

This ministry is not beholden to any one denomination or other man-made structure.  God has no favourites and neither do we.  The founder of this ministry began his Christian journey with a serious, Bible-believing, evangelical group that gave him an excellent grounding in Bible knowledge.  He pursued his own studies after the first 5 years because of the many contradictions that were thrown up by some of the interpretations being forced onto the scriptures.

He felt led to pursue his own ministry, free from doctrinal obligation, when God made clear to him, through the scriptures and an evaluation of his talents and gifts, to pursue a ministry in teaching that would help to liberate the church from doctrinal error and enable the church to worship God the way He wants them to: In Spirit AND IN TRUTH...

You're all the same.  All you want from us is to buy your products and give you our hard-earned money.  Why don't you go out there and get a real job?

Regrettably, given the times in which we live, this is a question that deserves a proper answer.  It is true that there are some who preach the gospel for personal profit and/or for personal adulation.  It was true back in the early days of the church and is even more true today.

How is anyone to know what is true and what is counterfeit?  Who can read the heart of another person and find out their true intention?  Jesus was brilliant at discerning what the true intent was behind every question He was ever asked.  He could spot a counterfeit from a mile away.  He even knew when to rebuke his own disciples if their attitude became selfish.

And that's where the answer lies.  Jesus refused to be influenced by men or the world around Him.  He deferred to the Father in everything.  So anyone who is planning to give money, voluntary support or purchase products from any ministry should do so by first realising that this "gift" is going to God and NOT to any man.  This means preparation.  Which means spending time with God in prayer and spending time reading the Bible and specifically asking for wisdom and discernment.

Then the giver has to determine what he/she has received from that church/ministry.  Did they provide an answer to a question that had been troubling the giver?  Did they provide a route out of a serious difficulty that the giver was having?  Does the ministry faithfully teach the Word of God?  Do they respond to requests for prayer, counsel, questions, help of any kind?  Do they make all their ministry products freely available to those who can't afford them; to the poor, to prisoners, to the elderly, to the sick?
The giver should get answers to these questions before making his/her decision.  But having made it, the giver should seek to be generous and consistent with his/her giving and back it up with faithful prayer for the success of that ministry so that the lives of many other people will be affected.

Do you teach and support the health and wealth gospel?

We absolutely believe that the promises of Jesus Christ are as trustworthy today as they were when first uttered 2,000 years ago.  However, the "name it and claim it", "blab it and grab it" messages that some people are teaching are overly-simplistic and seem to be designed to appeal to the basest instincts of greed and selfishness.

Positive confessions of the promises of God is not a wrong thing to do but it's a small part of an overall process that needs to be adopted by faithful Christians.  There's the examination of our personal attitude, what we are doing for others, an examination of our personal conduct, our love-walk with God and our fellow man.  These all play a significant part. Then there is the question of prosperity.  Too many people view prosperity as being defined by how financially well-off you are.  This is NOT the Biblical definition of prosperity.  The Bible speaks of an abundant life.  For some, an abundant life will mean financial abundance.  For others it will be an abundance of wisdom, a happy marriage, a large family, robust health, a joyful outlook on life, extraordinary ability, creative flair, spiritual gifts, the list is almost endless. There is a very real danger that by pursuing a narrow definition of prosperity, people will not recognise a blessing when it falls into their lap and, as a consequence, will become unthankful and unholy.  It also means Christians end up accusing and judging one another and comparing themselves with one another, creating roots of bitterness.

Bible teachers are responsible for teaching the whole counsel of God and not just cherry-picking the parts that help reinforce their own agendas.

More on this from our book Exposing The Curse...