We greatly value your participation in this site. We want to create a partnership with you that will last for many years, so we want you to have a stake in our Company.
Choosing to join us NOW will bring benefits that later members will not be able to access.
We have decided to allocate ONE SHARE of nextdaynews.org for every article submitted to our site. That means if you submit 200 articles over the course of the next 12 months, you will have earned 200 shares.
Not only that, but we have also decided to include our Advertisers in this scheme. This means if our Advertisers purchase 30 spaces on 30 separate articles, they will be awarded 30 SHARES in nextdaynews.org
This means everyone has a stake in the success of this site and everyone involved with it. (Please see our Terms & Conditions below)

Nextdaynews.org is growing fast and yet we need to maintain the loyalty of our Readers, our Contributors and our Advertisers.
One of the surest ways to do this is to give you a STAKE IN OUR COMPANY. This means if nextdaynews.org is taken public, any shares that you hold can be sold on the open market or retained for profit share.
We believe in focusing on the future. All our Contributors produce articles that include a predictive summation of where they believe their subject will go in the future.
Our Advertisers receive constant updates of how their Ads are working for them and how they can generate future interest by utilising our marketing tips to get the most out of their advertising with NDN.
We believe in nextdaynews.orgʼs future too. We are going places and we want to take our active site members with us.
So, to promote loyalty and Team-spirit, we have decided to grant non-voting, ex-gratia shares to ALL our Contributors and Advertisers.
These shares are limited to a maximum of 2 million shares. Once that allocation runs out, no further shares will be issued.
Can you imagine if Microsoft, Apple or Facebook had had this arrangement before they became really big? We may not be in that league (at least not yet) but we firmly believe in active partnership with our Site Members and our Ad-Revenue-Share-program and Free-Share-Allocation makes this Site one of the fairest and most generous on the Internet.
So stick with us, keep building your allocation and invite your friends and relatives to participate.
SHARE ALLOCATION - Terms and Conditions
- These shares cannot be bought, sold or traded. They are only awarded to those directly involved in this site.
- In their current form, these shares hold no monetary value.
- These shares can only be monetized in the event that this site is taken public.
- If and when that happens, all share-holders will be able to sell their holdings on the open market for what may well be a considerable sum.
- Every Contributor and Advertiser has a record kept of ALL transactions made on this Site. You can easily work out your Share allocation by totalling up the number of articles published and/or the total number of Ad blocks purchased, by reviewing your DASHBOARD that records your activity.
- When the allocation runs out every Site Member, who has accumulated Shares, will receive a Statement showing the Total number of Shares owned. This ownership will be verified by your Sign-in information and nextdaynews account information.
- Should the Site be taken public, every Share Owner will receive a monetary award in accordance with the number of Shares held. OR, the Share Owner can choose to retain ownership and receive an annual share of profits pro-rata.
- All Share awards are made ex-gratia and are conferred by the Site Owners in accordance with the Terms and Conditions set out below.
- Site Members can lose their Share allocation if any of the Terms and Conditions governing Site use are breached by the Site Member. The specific Terms and Conditions that are outlined for Contributors include the provision for cancellation of the Contributorʼs Site Membership in the event of a serious breach as indicated within those Terms and Conditions.
- The specific Terms and Conditions that are outlined for Advertisers include the provision for cancellation of the Advertiserʼs Site Membership in the event of a serious breach as indicated within those Terms and Conditions.
- Should that Site Membership be cancelled and the breach upheld, all Share allocations will be returned to the general pool and that Site Member will no longer have access to the Site or have any part in the Ownership of this Site and will not benefit from its future monetisation.
- In the event that a Site Member dies or has Power-of-Attorney assigned due to competency issues. The Share allocation will form part of the Estate and can be reassigned according to the legal distribution and assignment of his/her estate. Nextdaynews would require appropriate proof from the Executor before updating their records.
- The Share pool is limited to 2 million shares, forming 5% of the ownership of the Company. Once the shares have been distributed, the offer will be closed. The term: Ex-Gratia denotes that this free shares offer is a privilege and not a right and can be closed or with-drawn at any time.
- The term: Non-Voting denotes that no Share owner can leverage their shares to determine NDN policy, structure, ownership or any future corporate decisions.